Our family has been part of the First Presbyterian Schools community since 2015 when our oldest was 3yo. I knew it was a special place the first time I toured the campus with Ms. Cece that summer and could not have imagined then the gift it would turn out to be for our children and myself.
Our children grew up exploring, creating, cultivating friendships, social skills and confidence in the indoor and outdoor classrooms of the Preschool. In 2020, I led the founding of the Elementary which is still the educational home of our now 4th and 6th graders and a continuation of Reggio-inspired values we hold dear such as child-centered & led learning, environment & the natural world as the third teacher, curiosity-driven exploration, and respecting and nurturing the whole child.
There is truly not another place like this in our city and we see its fruits in the development and expressions of our children every day.
First Pres has always operated as a non-profit in order to sufficiently fund its highest priority: the experience of the children it serves. Our goals are always big when it comes to continuous improvement of programs (music, art, nature, Spanish, academics to name a few), environments, and staff development according to best, research-backed practices in early childhood and Elementary ages.
Most beloved by the children in their time at First Pres is, without fail, their time spent in the beautiful, carefully crafted outdoor spaces. There are countless studies, experts, and scientists who confirm the myriad benefits of spending time outdoors for young children (and truly, humans of all ages). At First Pres, we get to experience it in real-time, see the joy on their faces, the curiosity a sprouting seed or crawling insect or trickling water provokes, movement and physical challenges turned to play, the focus and quiet evoked when surrounded by green life.
Help us continue these wonders for our children and countless to come by supporting the development and maintenance of our gorgeous outdoor spaces.
With deep gratitude,
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