
Early Giving Prizes

Early Giving Champions

Early Giving Champions $500

The three organizations (small, medium, large) that receive the MOST online unique verified donations during the Early Giving Period (October 10th at 12 AM - October 16 at 11:59 PM) will win $500 each.

First Donation

First Donation $500

The first three eligible organizations (small, medium, large) to recieve an online donation of $50 or more will win $500. Begins October 10th at 12 AM.

Power Hour Prizes

Get Them Worms! Power Hour (12 - 1 AM) - October 17th

Get Them Worms! Power Hour (12 - 1 AM) - October 17th $1,000

The three organizations (small, medium, large) that receive the MOST online unique verified donations during the designated time will win $1,000 each.

Caffeinated Kickoff Power Hour (6 - 7 AM) - October 17th

Caffeinated Kickoff Power Hour (6 - 7 AM) - October 17th $1,000

The three organizations (small, medium, large) that receive the MOST online unique verified donations during the designated time will win $1,000 each.

Brown Bag Power Hour (12 - 1 PM) - October 17th

Brown Bag Power Hour (12 - 1 PM) - October 17th $1,000

The three organizations (small, medium, large) that receive the MOST online unique verified donations during the designated time will win $1,000 each.

Traffic Jam Power Hour (4 - 5 PM) - October 17th

Traffic Jam Power Hour (4 - 5 PM) - October 17th $1,000

The three organizations (small, medium, large) that receive the MOST online unique verified donations during the designated time will win $1,000 each.

Milk 'n Cookies Power Hour (9 - 10 PM) - October 17th

Milk 'n Cookies Power Hour (9 - 10 PM) - October 17th $1,000

The three organizations (small, medium, large) that receive the MOST online unique verified donations during the designated time will win $1,000 each.

Philanthropic Photo Prizes

Philanthropic Photo (10 - 10:30 AM) - October 17th

Philanthropic Photo (10 - 10:30 AM) - October 17th $500

Organizations (of all sizes) that post a photo on social media (Instagram and Facebook) during the designated time will be eligible to win $500. At least one (1) EPGD material needs to be represented in the photo (example: poster, sticker, alligator cutout, etc.) as well as the hashtags #elpasogivingday. ONE winner will be pulled RANDOMLY from a group of qualified nonprofits.

Philanthropic Photo (2 - 2:30 PM) - October 17th

Philanthropic Photo (2 - 2:30 PM) - October 17th $500

Organizations (of all sizes) that post a photo on social media (Instagram and Facebook) during the designated time will be eligible to win $500. At least one (1) EPGD material needs to be represented in the photo (example: poster, sticker, alligator cutout, etc.) as well as the hashtags #elpasogivingday. ONE winner will be pulled RANDOMLY from a group of qualified nonprofits.

Philanthropic Photo (6 - 6:30 PM) - October 17th

Philanthropic Photo (6 - 6:30 PM) - October 17th $500

Organizations (of all sizes) that post a photo on social media (Instagram and Facebook) during the designated time will be eligible to win $500. At least one (1) EPGD material needs to be represented in the photo (example: poster, sticker, alligator cutout, etc.) as well as the hashtags #elpasogivingday. ONE winner will be pulled RANDOMLY from a group of qualified nonprofits.


Global Giver

Global Giver $500

One eligible organization (of all sizes) that recieves an online donation from the farthest entity from El Paso, TX via IP address will win $500. Begins October 10th at 12 AM until October 17th at 11:59 PM.

Peer-to-Peer Superstar

Peer-to-Peer Superstar $500

The organization that raises the most amount of online donations total from all Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers will be a P2P Superstar. Begins October 10th at 12 AM until October 17th at 11:59 PM.

Surpass the Past

Surpass the Past $500

Three organizations (of any size) that receive a larger number of unique online verified donors in 2023 than they did in 2022 will be eligible to win $500 each. Pulled RANDOMLY from a group of qualified nonprofits. Begins October 10th at 12 AM until October 17th at 11:59 PM.

Special Prizes

Matching Fund Prize

Matching Fund Prize $2,500

The organizations entered secured outside matching funds for their El Paso Giving Day campaign and sent formal, written commitment of gift to the El Paso Giving Day Team before September 29th. Upon meeting their match, they will be entered to win a $2,500 gift.

Please reach out to Andrea Macias for more information

Matching Fund Prize

Matching Fund Prize $1,500

The organizations entered secured outside matching funds for their El Paso Giving Day campaign and sent formal, written commitment of gift to the El Paso Giving Day Team before September 29th. Upon meeting their match, they will be entered to win a $1,500 gift.

Please reach out to Andrea Macias for more information

Matching Fund Prize

Matching Fund Prize $1,000

The organizations entered secured outside matching funds for their El Paso Giving Day campaign and sent formal, written commitment of gift to the El Paso Giving Day Team before September 29th. Upon meeting their match, they will be entered to win a $1,000 gift.

Please reach out to Andrea Macias for more information

Raffle Prizes


  • Organizations are only eligible to win one Power Hour Prize.
  • Organizations may win multiple raffle driven prizes only for the following: Philanthrophic Photo & Early Giving Champions prize opportunities.
  • Matching donations are not included for the purpose of awarding prizes.