Lindsey Bachman
Lindsey Bachman

We were told that Shandy was found abandoned behind a gas station. When she was brought to ACTion Programs for Animals (APA), she was severly under-weight, had skin issues, and was yet to be spayed.

APA saw to it that she had a initial medical review, had the appropriate medications, and had a follow-up appointment to be spayed.

APA saved her life, and now she is such an important part of ours.

Our pets give us so much support in good times and in bad.

As a board member, I have seen APA give out hundreds of pounds of food and provide low-cost vaccinations to hundreds of companion animals. And because of these efforts, families may be able to stay with their beloved animals.

The bottom-line is that now, more than ever, ACTion Programs for Animals needs financial support in order to continue to do the work it does.

I believe in the organization’s important role in our community. This is why I continue to support APA.

Learn more about the organization here:

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