Important Note: You must press the orange Donate button next to each organization that Ruben Alvarado is fundraising for so that your donation is attributed to Ruben Alvarado!

Ruben  Alvarado
Ruben Alvarado

As a nurse I have seen how devastating a stroke/brain injury can be on people and their loved ones. I have had the pleasure of participating with the El Paso Aphasia Connection Center and have seen the impact of the organization on their day to day lives. Providing community and simply a place to gather and communicate among other participants brings joy and a sense of belonging to many of the members.

Please help us reach our goal to provide free weekly group speech therapy services for our aphasia community.

Organizations I'm Fundraising For

Important Note: You must press the orange Donate button next to each organization that Ruben Alvarado is fundraising for so that your donation is attributed to Ruben Alvarado!

Want to create your own fundraising page?

Visit our Fundraisers page for more information!