Important Note: You must press the orange Donate button next to each organization that MARGIE ADAME BRICKEY is fundraising for so that your donation is attributed to MARGIE ADAME BRICKEY!



I work at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at The University of Texas at El Paso.

OLLI is participating in El Paso Giving Day (EPGD) which was created to support a thriving community of nonprofit organizations like ours that is essential to the health, education, social services, environment, arts, and quality of life in our region, and this is what we do. OLLI DOES THIS EVERYDAY!

OLLI at UTEP offers Lifelong Learning Classes for Adults 50+ Learning doesn’t stop once you graduate, and no one knows that better than the students and instructors involved with OLLI. This innovative program offers unique classes and opportunities for learners over 50, helping them to acquire new skills, make new friends and spend their time in a worthwhile way.

Our mission is to mitigate isolation, create social connectivity and promote engagement for a healthier lifestyle.

Members tell us they come for the intellectual stimulation of the courses and activities and stay for the people. OLLI provides learning opportunities to enhance the enjoyment, meaning and direction of adult lives, as well as the health and well-being of older adults. OLLI seeks to develop a community of older learners to share knowledge, spark ideas, inspire new thinking and forge friendships. No tests or pressure… just the sheer joy of learning. Join us for the fall session and stay connected with curious minds.

We have dozens of fun-filled activities designed to foster student engagement and spotlight on-campus resources and research projects throughout the year.

Will you join me in helping OLLI to continue to offer lifelong learning in our community and donate $5, $10 or what you can towards this effort?



Organizations I'm Fundraising For

Important Note: You must press the orange Donate button next to each organization that MARGIE ADAME BRICKEY is fundraising for so that your donation is attributed to MARGIE ADAME BRICKEY!

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Visit our Fundraisers page for more information!