Important Note: You must press the orange Donate button next to each organization that Ana Olivares is fundraising for so that your donation is attributed to Ana Olivares!
Please help me fundraise for the El Paso Aphasia Connection Center, a local nonprofit that helps people who have had strokes or brain injuries and are unable to communicate. I have volunteered with this group since 2020 and have noticed the impact this group has had for people with aphasia.
Imagine if you lost your ability to talk….
This group provides more than just speech therapy but also support and community for people with aphasia and their caregivers. Any donation is greatly appreciated!
God bless you. Ana Olivares
Important Note: You must press the orange Donate button next to each organization that Ana Olivares is fundraising for so that your donation is attributed to Ana Olivares!
Visit our Fundraisers page for more information!