Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
When you are a Girl Scout, you call the shots! Every Girl Scout has their own curiosity, dreams, and talents—so when they come together to decide which of the thousands of Girl Scout activities to try, the sky’s the limit. Whether visiting an animal shelter, camping, hosting a dance-off, or filming a movie—they’re learning to take risks, trust their gut, and team up with others for good. The secret sauce holding it all together? Joy. Forever friendship is a powerful thing. It’s what gives Girl Scouts the confidence to be themselves, unapologetically. It’s what makes them feel safe enough to try new things and cheer each other on in tough times. It’s the support that can get them up on tough mornings, help them raise their hand in class, and even climb to the top of a mountain.

Causes: Children and Youth, Education, Entrepreneurship

The Girl Scout Difference

Girl Scouts offers the best leadership development experience for girls in the world.

Girl Scouts gives every girl opportunities preparing her for a lifetime of leadership—from taking a night-time hike under the stars to accepting a mission on the International Space Station; from lobbying the city council with her troop to holding a seat in Congress; from running her own cookie business today to tackling cybersecurity tomorrow.

Our Girl Scout Leadership Experience is a one-of-a-kind leadership development program for girls, with proven results. It is based on time-tested methods and research-backed programming that help girls take the lead—in their own lives and in the world.

Research shows that girls learn best in an all-girl, girl-led, and girl-friendly environment. Girl Scouts is a place where she’ll practice different skills, explore her potential, take on leadership positions—and even feel allowed to fail, dust herself off, get up, and try again.

Girl Scouts is proven to help girls thrive in five key ways as they:

  • Develop a strong sense of self.

  • Seek challenges and learn from setbacks.

  • Display positive values.

  • Form and maintain healthy relationships.

  • Identify and solve problems in the community.

The inclusive environment of a Girl Scout troop creates a safe space where girls can try new things, develop a range of skills, take on leadership roles, and just be themselves.

Our Progress
Our Goal $3,000
Total Amount Raised
Number of Donations
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