Green Hope Project
El Paso, Go Green by Supporting Environmentalism, Education & Art! GREEN HOPE PROJECT needs your help with our El Paso Giving Day fundraising campaign! This opportunity means a lot to us because we know the events that we’ll bring to our region will have a great impact on the community.

Causes: Arts and Culture, Education, Environment

GREEN HOPE PROJECT is a non-profit that began in 2019 and was born out of the desire for former high school students, community members, and local business owners to continue with, and improve upon, what the It’s Your World Project (a high school art/environmental group based out of El Dorado High School in Socorro ISD) began in 2014. Our focuses include environmentalism, education and the arts. We believe that we can make a positive change by uniting in our efforts, identifying the problems, and not stopping until we come up with the solutions.


Green Hope Project is planning to bring several events and projects to the El Paso region!!

Marathon has made a generous donation to El Paso Giving Day by providing matching funds of $10,000 for Green Hope Project to leverage and promote. Gifts will be matched 1:1 beginning October 12th through October 19th.

We just brought in an artist from Lisbon, Portugal (Bordalo II) to do a giant trash mountain lion mural:

We are hosting the Metamorphosis: Trash to Treasure recycled art contest/exhibit: &

We are planning to build one of these amazing units! Precious Plastics:

Adopt-a-Highway desert cleanups & art workshops:

If you, or someone you know, is interested in collaborating with, sponsoring, or attending any of these events, please visit our website ( and sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media (Instagram: thegreenhopeproject, Twitter:@GHopeProject, Facebook:@thegreenhopeproject) to stay up-to-date with what’s going on.

Sign up for our newsletter at for updates on art, education, and environmental events and contests!

Bordalo II's, Frankie, the recycled plastic mountain lion mural that GHP brought to El Paso.
Desert cleanups
Recycled art workshops
Trash to Treasure recycled art contest reception
Trash cleanups
Racial Harmony Mural
Racial Harmony Mural
Vendor booth
Racial Harmony Mural
Green Hope Project recycled bottle planters
Green Hope Project educational booth
Bordalo II mural prep
Bordalo II mural prep
Bordalo II mural prep
Bordalo II mural prep
Bordalo II mural prep
Recycled art merchandise
Our Progress
Our Goal $2,000
Total Amount Raised
Number of Donations
Make a Donation

Press any of the boxes below to make a suggested donation.