Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
UTEP Institute Offers Lifelong Learning Classes for Adults 50+ Learning doesn’t stop once you graduate, and no one knows that better than the students and instructors involved with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at The University of Texas at El Paso. This innovative program offers unique classes and opportunities for learners over 50, helping them to acquire new skills, make new friends and spend their time in a worthwhile way. “Our mission is to mitigate isolation, create social connectivity and promote engagement for a healthier lifestyle,” said Lynn Provenzano, executive director of OLLI. “If you look at our catalog, it’s good stuff. It’s an amazing array of offers that feed your curiosity. Learning never gets old.” Founded more than 30 years ago as the Center for Lifelong Learning, OLLI extends Professor Emerita Diana Natalicio’s vision of offering adult education courses to the El Paso community. In 2008, UTEP received an endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation officially establishing the center as one of 125 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes in the United States and opening the doors to virtual national programs and course offerings for students in the region. Courses offered through OLLI include art, history, languages, yoga and more taught by seasoned professionals. OLLI annual membership is $50 with benefits in clubs, activities, bulletins and more. Students who register for a 10 or 12-week term pay only $100 to take an unlimited number of offers listed in the catalog. They a= have the opportunity to engage in classes, historic walking tours and other group activities that get them outside, moving and exploring.

Causes: Arts and Culture, Health and Mental Well-being, Senior Services

“Quote, Unquote”

A testimonial -

” OLLI is an adventure! You meet new and amazing people who bring expereinces and perspectives to our lives that renew and refresh us. We’re challenged to keep learning and growing, even in’la tercera edad’.”

Irene Medina, OLLI Member and Volunteer

” Be all you can be isn’t only for younger gerenations. OLLI helps up in being ‘all we can be’ as we age.”

Ian Drife, OLLI Member and Volunteer

Finally, I got my questions answered.  Intergenerational connections.
Our El Paso History Tours are so popular! We are out and about...learning.
Friends and sisters.
OLLI members donate to the UTEP FOOD PANTRY on a regular basis.
OLL Fall Catalog of offers to feed your curiosity and enjoy the fun of learning.
PIckleball at OLLI! A fun time for players.
This is OLLI! Friendly. Active. Learning. Curious. Sharing. Caring.