Silent Warriors of Texas
Silent Warriors of Texas (SWOT), is a Christian faith based organization dedicated to advocate for homeless veterans, homeless individuals, and/or any indigent individuals or families within the El Paso, Texas community.

Causes: Advocacy, Homelessness and Housing, Veterans

**Meaning behind Silent Warriors of Texas ** The Silent Warrior is just that, a U.S. Veteran, who fought and served our country and has been forgotten. We have many freedoms in our country and owe our military a deep gratitude for that. America’s Veterans have done all that has been asked of them to serve and defend our country, even giving their life.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) states the nation’s homeless veterans are predominantly male, and approximately five percent being female. The majority are single; come from urban areas; and suffer from mental illness, alcohol and/or drug abuse, physical injuries received while serving and post traumatic stress. About one-third of the adult homeless population are veterans.

Our organization helps in any way possible to remember these Silent Warriors that served our country.

What We Do

Our organization provides food, clothing, toiletries and transportation to shelters to homeless veterans and homeless individuals or families. We will strive to provide a means of self-sufficiency to those who seek it by working with the community and other organizations to reduce the homeless population.

Proverbs 31:8-9, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Our Progress
Our Goal $10,000
Total Amount Raised
Number of Donations
Make a Donation
