St. Pius X Catholic School - Liberal Arts Education, Scholarships and Security
Mission of St. Pius X Catholic School Under the patronage of St. Pius X, the mission of St. Pius X Catholic School is to support parents as primary educators of their children. Guided by the Gospel, we strive to educate students to the highest standards of the classical tradition, so that they may grow in faith (fe), wisdom (sapientia), hope (spes) and charity (caritas), while embracing the spirit of St. Pius X to restore all things in Christ and his humble commitment to service.

Causes: Education, Religion, Social Justice


Providing outstanding education to the El Paso border community for 68 years, St. Pius X Catholic School continues its vision to “enter to learn and go forth to serve.” This year, our school is transitioning to a Classical Education curriculum in order to better fulfill that vision. A classical liberal arts education uses the Western traditional tools of learning - especially the Trivium or the language arts of grammar, logic and rhetoric - to teach students to read insightfully, think rigorously, write beautifully, and speak artculately. We are doing classical studies and learning virtues from the great books like “The Courage of Sarah Noble,” “Charlotte’s Web,” “Homer Price,” “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” “The Adventures of Robin Hood,” “The Hobbit,” and “The Illiad,” to name a few. In addition, we are learning Latin, the root of our English language.

The goal at St. Pius X Catholic School is to form virtuous young adults who live not with historical or cultural amensia, but rather with a sense of who they are in the context of human and divine history. Together we can form students who are well qualified for future studies in law, medicine, business, enginerring, technology, theology or any other professional or vocational pursuit.

Making a Catholic education affordable can be a challenge not only to the school but to our community. Please help us in our pursuit to educate and form students who can think for themselves, and who are able to use their knowledge of the past to make good decisions in the present and plan wisely for the future. Thank you.

St. Pius X, pray for us!