La Nube
La Nube STEAM Discovery Center, El Paso's new hands-on center of imagination, exploration, and creativity, was designed for children and adults to embrace their natural curiosity and learn through play. With nine themed learning experiences spread across four stories and 70,000 square feet of space, there are endless opportunities for the people of our region to develop important skills while having an amazing time. Funding from El Paso Giving Day will help us ensure that every guest has the opportunity to learn from our hands-on, transformative experiences through our La Nube for All program. At La Nube, we believe that EVERYONE deserves the opportunity to discover, create, and innovate regardless of financial circumstances, special learning needs and more. With your help, we can provide reduced-cost or free access to qualifying families, nonprofit organizations and underserved school communities, sensory sensitivity activities and educational enhancements for those who learn differently and more!

Causes: Children and Youth, Education

Imagine a child who steps into La Nube for the first time, their eyes alight with wonder as they interact with hands-on exhibits, ask questions to passionate educators, and envision themselves as future scientists, mathematicians or engineers.

All children deserve that magical moment, where seeds of curiosity are sown and dreams can flourish. Funding from El Paso Giving Day will go directly to helping us ensure those magical moments are available for children from lower-income households, with sensory sensitivities, who learn differently and more. With your support, we will purchase adaptive equipment, create special events, offer camp scholarships and more!

With a year-round open-door policy, La Nube for All invites visitors facing economic challenges or learning differences will feel welcome at our organization, making our more accessible for underserved families.

This initiative will be an important step in narrowing the achievement gap that exists vulnerable populations and their peers – creating a stronger, more vibrant future for them, and in turn, our entire community.
